Councils & Committees

Annual Session Planning Committee

To plan the educational content, business meetings, and networking opportunities during Annual Session.

NCDS President: Dr. Roslyn M. Crisp (District 3)
Annual Session Chair: Dr. Tiarra Rorie (District 3)
Program Chairs: Dr. Dan Cheek (District 3), Dr. Mikie Farmer (District 2)
Sponsorship Chair: Dr. Scott Cashion (District 3)
Entertainment Chairs: Dr. Janet Guthmiller (District 3), Dr. Ali Shazib (District 3), Dr. Maggie Wilson (District 5)
Hospitality Chairs: Dr. L'Tanya Bailey (District 3), Dr. Karen Barwick (District 3)
Staff Liaison: Shelly Dates


Awards Committee

To facilitate the recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of dentistry in the state of North Carolina.

Chair: Dr. Stan Hardesty (District 4)

Dr. Amanda Stroud (District 1)
Dr. John Buchanan (District 2)
Dr. Dan Cheek (District 3)
Dr. Rex Card (District 4)
Dr. Wilson Jewell (District 5)

Dr. Joe Hendrick (District 1)
Dr. Robert Stowe (District 2)

Dr. Tony Porter (District 2)
Dr. Scott Cashion (District 3)
Dr. Chuck Norman (District 3)
Dr. Tommy Morgan (District 5)
Dr. Billy Williams (District 5)

Board Liaison
: Dr. Kenneth Sadler (District 2)
Staff Liaison: Ms. Shelly Dates, Ms. Amy Eggenberger

Council on Constitution, Bylaws, Ethics and Judicial Concerns

To provide guidance on matters pertaining to the North Carolina Dental Society Constitution and Bylaws and the Society's principles of ethics, and to assist the Society by overseeing its judicial proceedings as needs arise.

Chair: Dr. Wilson Jewell (District 5)


Dr. William Litaker, (District 1)
Dr. Robert Stowe (District 2)
Dr. Dan Cheek (District 3)
Dr. Bob Hollowell (District 4)

Ex-officio:  Dr. Mark Pabst (District 5)
Board Liaison: Dr. Joe Hendrick (District 1)
Staff Liaisons: Ms. Prissy Allen, Mr. Jim Goodman

Committee on Dental Education

To help all members succeed by maintaining both the integrity and composition of dental education.

Dr. Paul Lindauer, ECU Faculty (District 5)
Dr. Shelley Olson (District 4)

TBD (District 1)
TBD (District 2)
Dr. Mark Casey (District 4)
Dr. Mark Johnson (District 5)

Ex-officio: Dr. Mark Pabst (District 5)
Board Liaison: Dr. Roslyn Crisp (District 3)
Staff Liaisons: Ms. Ruthie Dent


Committee on Dental Teams

To grow and enhance the dental workforce after the COVID-19 Pandemic and Great Resignation.

Chair:  Dr. Martha Ann Keels (District 4)

Dr. Amanda Stroud (District 1)
Dr. Catherine Bickley (District 2)
Dr. L’Tanya Bailey (District 3)
Dr. Roslyn Crisp (District 3)
Dr. Thom Buttler (District 4)
Dr. Catie Cunningham (District 4)
Dr. Ed Connelly (District 5)
Dr. Warren Gabaree (District 5)
Dr. Tommy Morgan (District 5)
Dr. Robert Tempel (District 5)
Dr. Don Worm (District 5)
Dr. Lisa Eads
Dr. Lori Hendrick
Ms. Joanna Roberts

NCDS President:  Dr. Joe Hendrick (District 2)
BOT Liaison:  Dr. Joe Hendrick (District 1)
Staff Liaisons – Ms. Prissy Allen, Ms. Elle Basile, Ms. Shelly Dates, Ms. Sharon D’Costa, Mr. Jim Goodman

Council on Government Relations

To advocate for North Carolina dentists and their patients.

Chair: Dr. Gary Oyster (District 4)

Dr. William Litaker (District 1)
Dr. Ashley Lowery (District 1)
Dr. Scott Davenport (District 2)
Dr. LaJoi Wiggins (District 2)
Dr. L’Tanya Bailey (District 3)
Dr. Shruti Shastri (District 3)
Dr. Candice Arrick (District 4)
Dr. Chris Sheaffer (District 4)
Dr. Colby Godwin (District 5)
Dr. Robert Pinner (District 5)

Board Liaison: Dr. Robert Stowe (District 2)
Ex-officio: Dr. Mark Pabst (District 5)
Staff Liaison: Ms. Elle Basile, Mr. Jim Goodman

Council on Membership

To recruit, engage, and retain members of the North Carolina Dental Society.

Chair: Dr. Catie Cunningham (District 4)

Dr. Ashley Porter Ayuso (District 2)
Dr. Kristin Miller (District 2)
Dr. Kate Stanton (District 2)
Dr. Marc Beattie (District 3)
Dr. Credle Harris (District 3)
Dr. Tristan Parry (District 3)
Dr. Nazir Ahmad (District4)
Dr. Christi Davis (District 4)Dr. Amandip Kamoh (District 4)
Dr. Desiree Walker (District 4)
Dr. Kyle Given (District 5)

Dr. Rex Card (District 4)
Dr. Mark Pabst (District 5)

Board Liaison: Dr. Shelley Olson (District 4)
Staff Liaison: Ms. Shelly Dates

Council on Prevention and Oral Health

To ensure high-quality care for all patients, follow evidence-based guidelines, recognize the dentist as the center of the dental team, seek sustainable solutions, and identify/adopt best practices.

Chair: Dr. Frank Courts (District 5)

Dr. David Thome (District 2)
Dr. Lee Lewis (District 5)

At Large:
Dr. Kerry Dove (District 2)
Dr. Vincent Allison (District 3)
Dr. Bill Milner (District 3)
Dr. Antionio Braithwaite (District 4)
Dr. Greg Chadwick (District 5)

Ex-officio: Dr. Steve Cline (District 4)

Dr. Mark Scheiderich (District 1)
Dr. Zach Brian (District 3)
Dr. Bert Jones (District 3)
Dr. Rhonda Stephens (District 3)
Dr. Mark Casey (District 4)
Dr. Sarah Tomlinson (District 4)
Dr. Mark Moss (District 5)

Board Liaison: Dr. Roslyn Crisp (District 3)
Staff Liaisons: Ms. Prissy Allen, Ms. Elle Basile, Ms. Shelly Dates, Mr. Duncan Jennings, Mr. Jim Goodman

Dental Benefits Advisory Committee

To provide information and counsel to members with questions or concerns about dental benefits or third-party payers.

Chair: Dr. Robert Rosenthal (District 2)

Dr. Dan Cheek (District 3)
Dr. Mary Gaddis (District 3)
Dr. Chuck Norman (District 3)
Dr. Catie Cunningham (District 4)
Dr. Stan Hardesty (District 4)
Dr. Shelley Olson (District 4)
Dr. Raleigh Wright (District 4)
Dr. Robert Plage (District 5)


Board Liaison: Dr. David Kwon (District 2)

Staff Liaisons: Ms. Elle Basile, Mr. Jim Goodman

Diversity, Equity, Belonging and Inclusion (DEBI) Committee

To foster an environment of inclusion and belonging for our members in order to strengthen our organization and create an equitable professional environment.

Chair: Dr. Mikie Farmer (District 2)

Dr. Eric Sadler (District 2)
Dr. Reina Ransom (District 3)
Dr. Ellie Bash (District 4)
Dr. Cheryl Siegel (District 4)
Dr. Victoria McGowen (District 5)
Dr. Roopsi Kaur (District 5)

Board Liaison: Dr. Roslyn Crisp (District 3)

Staff Liaisons: Ms. Shelly Dates, Ms. Olivia Leathers

NC Dental Society Political Action Committee (NCDPAC)

To give North Carolina dentists a united voice on behalf of the profession so we can allow our views to be heard.

Chair: Dr. Tony Porter (District 2)

Dr. Ashley Lowery (District 1)
Dr. Jack Teague (District 1)
Dr. Scott Davenport (District 2)
Dr. Dan Cheek (District 3)
Dr. Alex Crisp (District 3)
Dr. Mary Gaddis (District 3)
Dr. Davia Nickelson (District 3)
Dr. Nazir Ahmad (District 4)
Dr. Shelley Olson (District 4)
Dr. Dan Duffy (District 5)
Dr. Anna Rovetto (District 5)

ONSDS Member: Dr. Glenn Baldwin (District 3)

Dr. Robert Stowe (District 2)
Dr. Roslyn Crisp (District 3)
Dr. Gary Oyster (District 4)

Staff Liaison: Ms. Elle Basile, Mr. Jim Goodman

Committee On The New Dentist

To recruit, engage and retain members of the North Carolina Dental Society.

Dr. Madison Crumley (District 1)
Dr. Wesley Marsh (District 1)
Dr. Lindsay Spears (District 2)
Dr. Kyle Viloria (District 2)
Dr. LaJoi Wiggins (District 2)
Dr. Tariq Jah (District 3)
Dr. Jay Shah (District 3)
Dr. Miranda Kalaskey (District 4)
Dr. Sarah Myers (District 4)
Dr. Anahita Shaya (District 5)

Board Liaison: Dr. Shelley Olson (District 4)

Staff Liaison: Ms. Shelly Dates

Patient Mediation Committee

To provide an informal, voluntary process for resolving complaints about the quality or appropriateness of dental treatment that the patient and dentist have been unable to resolve themselves, with the goal of resolving such complaints expediently and before they reach the level of the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners or legal action taken by the patient.

Chair: Dr. Dick Hogan (District 3)

Dr. Jim Macomson (District 1)
TBD (2)
Dr. Aaron Tropmann (District 4)
Dr. James Purvis (District 5)

Board Liaison: Dr. Brad Adams (District 5)

Staff Liaison: Ms. Prissy Allen, Mr. Jim Goodman

Leadership Development Committee

To identify future leaders for the Districts and the NC Dental Society.

Chair: Dr. Alison Boone (District 5)

Dr. Madison Crumley (District 1)
Dr. Jack Teague (District 1)
Dr. Scott Davenport (District 2)
Dr. David Kwon (District 2)
Dr. Nona Breeland (District 3)
Dr. Mary Gaddis (District 3)
Dr. Nazir Ahmad (District 4)
Dr. Rex Card (District 4)
Dr. Lee Lewis (District 5)

Consultant: Dr. Joe Hendrick (District 1)

Board Liaison: Dr. Robert Stowe (District 2)

Staff Liaisons: Ms. Prissy Allen, Mr. Jim Goodman