Patient Frequently Asked Questions

Will you be able to fix all of my dental problems?

That will depend on what your needs are. Usually, only one major service (such as removing teeth or filling teeth) is performed on each patient, but we may do multiple extractions or fillings at one time. Our goal is to provide services to as many people as possible rather than to provide many services to fewer people. Future NCDSF MOM events are listed HERE.

Do I need to bring proof of income?

No. We do not require you to bring proof of income. However, you will be required to sign an income disclosure statement when you register as a patient.

Do I need to live within the county where the clinic is being held?

No. You do not have to live in the same county and/or state where the clinic is taking place.

When do I need to be there?

You should plan to arrive in the early morning hours. Some patients begin arriving around midnight.  Dental examinations will begin at 6 AM. Please remember that services are provided on a first-come, first-served basis until we have reached our capacity for the day.

What should I bring with me?

Food and drink for the waiting periods.

Adequate clothing to keep you comfortable while you wait.

Identification in case you need medication following your treatment.

Any medication you may need during your time at the clinic.  

Will pregnancy affect my care?

If you are pregnant we will need a statement from your ob/gyn doctor allowing us to provide the care you need.

Will a gum infection affect my care?

A severe or painful infection (abscess) will affect our ability to provide care to you. If you think you have an infection, see a dentist or your primary care provider. If you cannot reach a dentist, go to a hospital's emergency department, especially if you feel sick.

What should I do if my doctor tells me to pre-medicate (take medication before receiving treatment) for the NCDSF MOM clinic?

Follow the instructions of your doctor and tell the dentist who examines you about the pre-medication.Pre-medication will not keep you from receiving care.

Who will perform the dental services or cleanings?

The primary care providers are licensed dentists, hygienists and dental assistants. Some care may be provided by students from the dental schools at the University of North Carolina or East Carolina University. Whenever students are providing care, professors from the dental schools supervise their work. Students are only allowed to perform procedures that they are already qualified to perform.